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Learning tasks for developers to understand the concepts, technologies and methodologies for cloud native development

Credits: This material heavily draws from cloud native bootcamp

Before you jump straight into Cloud native development using this crafted enablement journey, it’s important you understand the related basic concepts, technologies used and methodologies applied for cloud native development

Developer Foundation is broken into three areas:


Topics Covered

What is Cloud Native?Cloud Native OverviewCloud Native
Cloud Native App. DevBasics of Cloud Native App. DevelopmentCloud Native App. Dev
Continuous IntegrationCI OverviewCI
Continuous DeliveryCD OverviewCD


Topics Covered

Core ConceptsCovers Kubernetes Objects and Namespaces.Core Concepts
ConfigurationCoveres ConfigMaps, Resource Quotas, Secrets, and Service Accounts.Configuration
Multi-Container PodsUse Cases for multi container pods.Multi-Container Pods
ObservabilityCovers probes and logging for containers.Observability
Pod DesignCovers Labels, Selectors, Deployments, and Jobs.Pod Design
Services & NetworkingCovers Services and Ingresses.Services and Networking
State PersistenceCovering Volumes and Persistence Volumes.State Persistence
TroubleshootingWays to troubleshoot your kubernetes.Troubleshooting


Pod CreationCovers the topics in the Core Concepts page.Pod Creation
Pod ConfigurationCovers the topics in the Configuration page.Pod Configuration
Multiple ContainersCovers the topics in the Multi-Container Pods page.Multiple Containers
ProbesCovers the topics in the Observability page.Probes
Rolling Updates LabCovers the topics in the Pod Design page.Rolling Updates
Cron Jobs LabCovers the topics in the Pod Design Jobs section.Crons Jobs
Creating ServicesCovers the topics in the Services page.Setting up Services
Setting up Persistent VolumesCovers the topics in the State Persistence page.Setting up Persistent Volumes
DebuggingCovers the topics in the Troubleshooting page.Debugging


SolutionsSolutions for Exercises

Optional Extra Credits


Deployment Best practices

Use the following links to help you get a deeper understanding of this a good understanding and deep dive in Cloud Native Deployment


Topics Covered

IBM Garage MethodGarage Method OverviewGarage Method
