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Cloudant Integration

Add a Cloudant integration to your backend service

  • While logged into the IBM Cloud account use the resource list to find your pre installed Cloudant database instance name after your development cluster.

  • Open the database instance dashboard.

  • Click on the Service Credentials on the left-hand menu.

  • You will see the credentials for the database.

  • Open a terminal window folder/directory called data

    mkdir data
  • To help create test JSON data we are going to supply a template to the JSON Generator tool, this helps when creating dummy data for testing. Navigate to the following link

  • Replace the default template with the following template (using cut and paste). This will enable a 100 records of test data to be created to represent a products database. Click on the Generate button.

    '{{repeat(1, 50)}}',
    id: '{{objectId()}}',
    manufacturer: '{{company().toUpperCase()}}',
    name: '{{lorem(3, "words")}}',
    price: '{{floating(10, 1000, 2, "0.00")}}',
    stock: '{{integer(1, 100)}}'
  • Copy the generated contents on the right hand side into a file called inventory.json and save it into the same folder. Wrap the array with a docs statement.

    "docs": <Add Generated array here>
  • Save the documents that will be loaded into Cloudant

  • Add the username and apikey to CLOUDANT_USERNAME and CLOUDANT_API_KEY variables in the script. You can get the credentials from the Cloudant credentials view in the IBM Cloud console.

  • Add DATABASE value to be inventory-<replace with namespace> using the dev namespace/project name you have been using.

  • Save the script, make it executable, and then run it by passing in the filename

    chmod +x ./
    ./ inventory.json
  • The data from the inventory.json file will then be used to populate the database, to confirm this on the Dashboard click on Manage menu on the left and then Launch button to see the Cloudant dashboard.

  • Click on the Left icon that looks like a Database and you will see the inventory-<namespace> database created.

  • Click on the inventory database, then click Table view.

  • You can see the rows of data Database

  • If you click on a row of data, you will see the raw NoSQL form of the data record.

  • This completes the setup of the database and populating it with data.

Enable database in the solution

If you are starting from the solution, use the following steps to enable the Cloudant database

Set up local development

  • Open the mappings.json file under src/main/resources and add a DATABASE_NAME value with the value inventory-{namespace} where namespace is the namespace where the pipeline is running (e.g. dev-{initials})

    "DATABASE_NAME": "inventory-{namespace}"
  • Log into and open the Cloudant service from the resource list

  • Click on service credentials and expand the listed credentials

  • Copy the json contents from the credentials into mappings.json under the CLOUDANT_CONFIG object (note that CLOUDANT_CONFIG value must be a string type not a json type, so you must use escaping characters for this value)

    "DATABASE_NAME": "inventory-{namespace}",
    "CLOUDANT_CONFIG": "{paste json here}"

Activate the Clouant service implementation

  • Open src/main/java/com/ibm/inventory_management/services/ and remove the @Profile("mock") annotation

  • Open src/main/java/com/ibm/inventory_management/services/ and add the @Primary annotation. The file should look like the following

    import org.springframework.context.annotation.Primary;
    import org.springframework.context.annotation.Profile;
    import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
    import org.springframework.context.annotation.Lazy;
    public class StockItemService implements StockItemApi {

Update the configuration values in the values.yaml helm chart

  • Open the values.yaml file and update the values for cloudantBinding and databaseName

    cloudantBinding="{binding name}"

    Note: The cloudantBinding value should match the name of the cloudant binding secret

Add a Cloudant integration to your backend service

If you are following the instructions from MicroApp part 1 and want to enable the Cloudant database yourself, use the following directions.

Update the gradle config to include cloudant dependencies

  • Enable the cloudant libraries by applying the build-cloudant.gradle to the end of the build.gradle file
apply from: 'gradle/build-cloudant.gradle'
  • Run ./gradlew init to validate the changes and load the libraries

Configuration values

  • CloudantConfig is added to hold the url, username, password, and databaseName values

  • In CloudantMapping,logic is implemented to load the configuration from the secret binding or local file .

Set up local development

  • Open the mappings.json file under src/main/resources and add a DATABASE_NAME value with the value inventory-{namespace} where namespace is the namespace where the pipeline is running (e.g. dev-{initials})
"DATABASE_NAME": "inventory-{namespace}"
  • Log into and open the Cloudant service from the resource list

  • Click on service credentials and expand the listed credentials

  • Copy the json contents from the credentials into mappings.json under the CLOUDANT_CONFIG object

"DATABASE_NAME": "inventory-{namespace}",
"CLOUDANT_CONFIG": "{paste json here}"

Service Implementation

  • CloudantApi component is added to create the CloudantClient instance from the configuration

  • Open the deployment.yaml file and add environment variables that use those values to the top of the existing env block

name: {{ .Values.cloudantBinding | quote }}
key: binding
value: {{ .Values.databaseName | quote }}