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Cost of conducting a developer-intermediate journey

Number of Developers: 200

Total Cost for 3 months($): 8652.36

Cost Per Developer($): 43.2618

Cost per Developer/Month($): 14.4206

ComponentDescriptionMonthly Cost($)Total Cost($)Remarks
VPCVPC with subnet, floating IP, connection to classic13
Openshift3 worker nodes, 16x32 worker node config2116.86350.4Single zone, VPC clutser, OCP entitlements excluded with cloud pak entitlements
Openshift2 additional worker nodes during workshop210.96210.96Scale up during workshop for 3 days
SysdigSysdig Monitoring (Assuming 300 containers, 1M API Calls, 1k time series calls per host)180540
LogDNALogDNA, 7 Day Log Search (Assuming 300 GB/Month)300900
Container RegistryStandard (Assuming 200 GB pull traffic, 250 GB Storage)2884
Db2 ServiceFlex Plan (Assuming 1 instance, 4GB RAM and 2 GB Storage, More than 5 Concurrent Users)189564Database Service for the Application Modernization
Cloud Pak for ApplicationsEntitlement from passport advantage00
SlackChannel for communication during workshop00
GithubFree Tier00