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Analyze with TA

Analyze the scan result of the Exising Application

Analyze the scan results

  • You now have the Scan Results of the application for analyzing

  • The Application Binary (plantsbywebsphere8.ear) is present in the below location. You will need this uploading to the transformation advisor

    cd icp-dev-workshop/lab4/binary/application
  • The DB2 libararies are present in the below location. You will upload the “db2jcc.jar” in the Transformation advisor and later push the “db2jcc_license_cu.jar” to your git repository (one you will be creating during this phase for the migration bundle)

    cd icp-dev-workshop/lab4/binary/lib
  • Also, download the application related files from the below repository, which shall be used for the deployment of the application during the course of the Lab exercise.

    git clone

In this section, you will upload the results from the data collector to the Transformation Advisor UI and analyze the findings.

  • Access the Open Shift Cluster Dashboard to open the Transformation Advisor dashboard which as part of the Cloud Native Toolkit menu.
  • Now that namespace and collection are created, access the Workspace (AppMod_{initials}) and the Collection.

  • The Data collector / Upload data screen appears as shown


  • Click Upload data and specify the file you created from scanning the app

    After a few moments, the UI will display the Results page.


Review the results

Take a moment to review the results. Transformation Advisor has determined this application is “simple” to move to Liberty on Private Cloud.

  • What happens if you change the Preferred migration target to Liberty on Public Cloud? Why did the complexity change?

  • Hold your mouse over the “Complex” box. Why does Transformation Advisor think you need a VPN?

  • Click on the the PlantsByWebSphere8.ear and read the Public Cloud to Private Cloud Network Connection result.

Scroll down and note the External Dependencies that have been detected to be required by this application. Remember the DB2 database? Transformation Advisor detected that the application uses the database. It is telling you that either you will need to move the database to the public cloud or the application in the pubic cloud will need a network connection—probably a VPN—to the database in the private data center.

  • Click the <-- Recommendations link at the top of the page to return to the Recommendations page, then set the Preferred migration target to Liberty on Private Cloud once again

Review the reports

Take a moment to review the reports. Make sure the Transformation Advisor UI is displaying the Results page and that the Preferred migration target is set to Liberty on Private Cloud.

  • Click on the the PlantsByWebSphere8.ear again and review the Technology Issues section

  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and review the Technology Report, Inventory Report, and Analysis Report

Note that at the top of each report, the command line parameters are shown. This helps to validate that your settings in have been detected.


Review each of the reports:

  • Technology Report

    • Lists the Java EE features used by the application

    • Maps these features to the capabilities of the various WebSphere editions

      This is a useful first step to determining whether this application will run on Liberty.

  • Inventory Report

    • Lists the Java EE components in the application

      This helps give an idea of the size of the monolith and identify the number of EJBs and web services.

    • Shows the application structure

      This shows which JARs are included in the application, which helps identify technical debt such as old versions of Struts, Spring, and Hibernate, and whether the application packages IBM or JEE JARs that can cause classloading issues later.

    • Lists the Utility JAR files

      This shows which packages are in each JAR, which is especially useful if the client doesn’t know which Java packages to scan. If you find this part of the report lists client code in packages that the scanner ignored such as org and net, you will need to update the file to include these packages and re-run the scan.

  • Analysis Report

    • Lists the issues found during the scan of the application

      Review the Severe and Warning results using the show rule help and show results links. Note that there are no severe result for this application and every item shown as warning. If there are Resuls related to severe (shown are red indicator), there would need some appropriate action to be performed prior deployment.

  • Close the open report tabs and return to the Recommendations page

Let’s go ahead and move this application to Liberty in the next session.


You have now completed the Anlaysis the various reports Technology Report, Inventory Reports, Analysis report from the scan results of the existing application using Transformation Advisor. Now that we have analysed, we will move the application to liberty and deploy in the openshift cluster provisioned in the IBM Cloud