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Provision an IBM Cloud cluster

Steps to prepare an environment using the Cloud-Native Toolkit for IBM Cloud-managed clusters running on classic infrastructure.

  1. Log in to the IBM Cloud Console.

  2. Select Catalog from the top menu.

  3. From the side menu, select your catalog from the drop-down list (e.g. Team Catalog). (IBM Cloud catalog should be selected initially.)

  4. Click Private on the side menu to see the private catalog entries

  5. Click on the 221. Cloud-Native Classic cluster tile

  6. Enter values for the variables list provided.

    VariableDescriptioneg. Value
    ibmcloud_api_keyThe API key from IBM Cloud Console that has ClusterAdmin access and supports service creation{guid API key from Console}
    resource_group_nameThe existing resource group in the account where the cluster will be createddev-team-one
    regionThe region where the cluster will be, eu-gb, etc
    cluster_nameThe name of the cluster that will be
    private_vlan_idThe id of an existing private VLAN.
    public_vlan_idThe id of an existing public VLAN.
    vlan_datacenterThe VLAN datacenter where the cluster will be provisioned.
    cluster_typeThe type of cluster into which the toolkit will be installed. The default is OpenShift 4.5.kubernetes, ocp3, ocp4, ocp44, or ocp45
    flavorThe flavor of machine that should be provisioned for each worker. Defaults to m3c.4x32.m3c.4x32
    cluster_worker_countThe number of worker nodes that should be provisioned for each zone. Defaults to 33
  7. Check the box to accept the Apache 2 license for the tile.

  8. Click Install to start the install process

This will kick off the installation of the Cloud-Native Toolkit using an IBM Cloud Private Catalog Tile. The progress can be reviewed from the Schematics entry


If you find that the Terraform provisioning has failed, for Private Catalog delete the workspace and for Iteration Zero try re-running the script again. The state will be saved and Terraform will try and apply the configuration to match the desired end state.

If you find that some of the services have failed to create in the time allocated, try the following with Iteration zero:

  1. Manually delete the service instances in your resource group

  2. Re-run the script with the --delete argument to clean up the state

    ./ --delete