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Configure Dashboard

Customize the Developer Dashboard and the OpenShift console

Customizing the Dashboard

After the Dashboard has been installed into your development cluster, you can customize it to you team’s needs. You can change the Title, Prefix, and Cloud Console links by adding the following environment variables to your deployment yaml.

Customize the Dashboard’s title from its default of “IBM Cloud Garage”

  • The necessary set of environment variables isn’t defined by default. You need to edit the YAML for the developer-dashboard deployment in the tools namespace to insert this set of variables.

  • Edit the YAML for the /tools/deployments/developer-dashboard resource. In the spec.template.spec.containers section, in the resources for the container named developer-dashboard, add a new env resource to this container that defines these environment variables:

    value: GSI Labs Sandbox
    value: IBM
    - name: CLOUD_TITLE
    value: Azure Console
    - name: CLOUD_URL
  • Then fill in the values you want to use, such as the name of your team and company

  • Note: The CLOUD_TITLE, CLOUD_URL, and LINKS_URL aren’t needed when the platform is IBM Cloud

You can also tailor the list of content that is displayed in the Activation tab and the Starter Kits tab by creating your own version of the links.json JSON file and host that somewhere accessible to you cluster’s network.

Adding tools

You can add additional tools to the Developer Dashboard and to the Tools menu on the OpenShift console. The tools in the cluster are added automatically, but the tools outside the cluster must be added manually. You can also add tools for the Cloud Paks that you install in the environment, for CodeReady Workspaces (if you’ve installed that in the environment), etc.

Adding tools to the Dashboard

Use the Cloud Native Toolkit CLI to add tools to the dashboard.

  • Use this syntax to add a tool:

    igc tool-config --name <name of tool> --url <url of tool>
  • These are tools that every Environment has but that are hosted outside of the cluster. To add these to the Dashboard, run these commands and provide the URLs:

    igc tool-config --name ir --url {url image registry}
    igc tool-config --name logdna --url {url to LogDNA instance}
    igc tool-config --name sysdig --url {url to Sysdig instance}
    igc tool-config --name github --url {url to git org}
  • If your Environment includes the Cloud Paks with these tools, add them to your Dashboard:

    igc tool-config --name ta --url {url to the Transformation Advisor}
    igc tool-config --name mcm --url {url to IBM CP4MCM}
    igc tool-config --name integration --url {url to CP4I instance}
  • If you’ve installed CodeReady Workspaces in your Environment, add it to your Dashboard:

    igc tool-config --name codeready --url {url to the CRW instance}

This table lists the tools that can be displayed.

Tool NameName ParameterDescriptionPre-Configured
GitLabgitlabIBM Cloud GitLab instance for the region you are usingYes
Eclipse ChecheLink to Eclipse Che instanceNo
JenkinsjenkinsIf IKS configured by defaultYes
PipelinepipelineIf OCP configured by defaultYes
ArgoCDargocdLink to ArgoCD instance in clusterYes
ArtifactoryartifactoryLink to Artifactory instance in clusterYes
SonarQubesonarqubeLink to SonarQube instance in clusterYes
PactpactLink to Pact Broker instance in clusterYes
TektontektonLink to Tekton Dashboard in clusterNo
Transformation AdvisortaLink to Transformation Advisor tool in clusterNo
Swagger EditorapieditorLink to Swagger Editor instance in clusterYes
CodeReady WorkspacescodereadyLink to CodeReady Workspaces instance in clusterNo
GitHubgithubLink to teams GitHub organizationYes
Cloud Pak for IntegrationintegrationLink to main console for Cloud Pak for IntegrationNo
Cloud Pak for Multi Cloud ManagermcmLink to main console for Cloud Pak for Multi Cloud ManagerNo
Cloud Pak for DatadataLink to main console for Cloud Pak for DataNo
Cloud Pak for AutomationautomationLink to main console for Cloud Pak for AutomationNo
GrafanagrafanaLink to Grafana in clusterNo
PrometheusprometheusLink to Prometheus in clusterNo
LogDNAlogDNALink to LogDNA service instanceNo
SysdigSysdigLink to Sysdig service instanceNo
Image RegistryirLink to Image RegistryNo
JaegerjaegerLink to Jaeger in clusterYes

Adding Tools to the OpenShift Console

If the environment includes an OpenShift cluster, the Environment adds a Tools menu to the OpenShift console. The tools in the cluster are automatically added, but you need to add the tools outside of the cluster to specify their URLs. You can also extend the Tools menu to provide fast links to common tools you the development team will require. These tools links are common across the cluster.

OCP Console Tools
  • Edit the file called tools.yaml in the terraform/scripts folder. This file contains the CRDs required to configure the menu items. Add custom links for github, logdna, and sysdig, and save the file.

  • Run the terraform/scripts/config-console-tools script to apply the settings in tools.yaml. To do so: Make sure you are logged into your cluster from the command line and run the script, specifying your cluster’s ingress subdomain. To find the ingress subdomain, go to the cluster overview page in the IBM Cloud console; it’s something like

    ./config-console-tools {cluster ingress subdomain}
  • Optionally, you can extend the list of tools to include links to other tools. For example, here are two links to the Cloud Pak for Multicloud Management and the Cloud Pak for Integration.

    kind: ConsoleLink
    name: toolkit-mcm
    imageURL: https://dashboard-tools.#CLUSTER_INGRESS_URL/tools/icon/mcm
    section: Cloud Native Toolkit

To add external tools to the Dashboard and/or Tools menu, you need to know the links to those tools. Here’s how to find those links.

Image registry

To get the URL for the image registry:

  • In the IBM Cloud console, navigate to Kubernetes > Registry or OpenShift > Registry
  • On the Registry page, select the Images tab
  • That URL for the Images tab (or any of the Registry tabs) is the one to add to the tools lists

LogDNA dashboard

Get the URL for the LogDNA web UI in your environment (as explained in IBM Log Analysis with LogDNA: Viewing logs)

  • In the IBM Cloud dashboard, navigate to Observability > Logging
  • Find the logging instance named after your environment’s cluster, such as showcase-dev-iks-logdna. To help find it, you can filter by your resource group. LogDNA Logging Instance
  • In the logging instance, the URL in the View LogDNA button is the one to add to the tools lists

Sysdig dashboard

Get the URL for the Sysdig web UI for your environment (as explained in Step 4: Launch the web UI)

  • In the IBM Cloud dashboard, navigate to Observability > Monitoring
  • Find the monitoring instance named after your environment’s cluster, such as showcase-dev-iks-sysdig Sysdig Monitoring Instance
  • In the monitoring instance, the URL in the View Sysdig button is the one to add to the tools lists