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Install the Cloud Native Toolkit on an existing cluster using GitOps

This is a work in progress, come back for updates.

Steps to install the Cloud-Native Toolkit in an existing OpenShift cluster using a declarative approach with ArgoCD.


The following is required before proceeding to the next section.


  1. Fork the multi-tenancy-gitops repository and clone your fork.

    git clone{gitorg}/multi-tenancy-gitops.git
    cd multi-tenancy-gitops
  2. Update the cloned repository with your GitHub Organization.

  • Search and replace all instances of with{gitorg}/multi-tenancy-gitops.git.
  • Commit and push your changes to your fork.
    git commit -m "Update github organization"
    git push origin master
  1. The gitops repository is structured into different layers (ie. 1-apps, 2-services, 3-infra). Each layer is structured in a similar pattern consisting of the following:
  • The argocd folder contains a set of ArgoCD Application YAMLs.

  • The set of folder(s) in each layer contains the resource YAMLs which will be deployed.

    tree . -L 2
    ├── 0-bootstrap
    │   └── argocd
    ├── 1-apps
    │   ├── argocd
    │   └── instances
    ├── 2-services
    │   ├── argocd
  • Each argocd folder contains an active and inactive sub-folder. For each layer, select the ArgoCD Appliation YAMLs to deploy and move them into the active folder.

    ├── active
    └── inactive
    ├── active
    └── inactive
  • Commit and push your changes to your fork.

    git commit -m "Update github organization"
    git push origin master
  1. Install the Red Hat OpenShift GitOps operator using the commands below or directly from the OpenShift Web Console. An instance of ArgoCD will automatically be created in the openshift-gitops namespace.
    oc apply -f 2-services/operators/openshift-gitops/ -n openshift-operators
  • Verify you can log on to the ArgoCD Web Console.

    # ArgoCD Web Console URL
    echo https://$(oc get route argocd-cluster-server -o jsonpath='{ }' -n openshift-gitops)
    # Admin password
    oc extract secret/argocd-cluster-cluster --to=- -n openshift-gitops
  1. Review and apply the custom ClusterRole permissions to the ArgoCD Application Controller service account. This is required for ArgoCD to create the required Kubernetes resources in target namespaces.

    oc apply -f 3-infra/clusterrole/
  2. Create the bootstrap ArgoCD application.

    The bootstrap application will create the parent ArgoCD Application for each layer (YAMLs are located in 0-bootstrap folder). The parent ArgoCD Applications will subsequently create the ArgoCD Applications in the /argocd/active directory.

    Depending on what resources have been selected, it will take some time for the ArgoCD to deploy the resources.

    oc apply -f bootstrap.yaml -n openshift-gitops
  3. From the OpenShift Web Console, verify the resources (ie, operators, namespaces, etc) have been successfully created and/or deployed.