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Developer Dashboard

Explore the resources at your fingertips provided by the Cloud-Native Toolkit Developer Dashboard

The Developer Dashboard is one of the tools running in your Developer Environment. It is designed to help you navigate to the installed tools and provide a simple way to perform common developer tasks, such as:

  • Dashboard: Navigate to the tools installed in the cluster
  • Activation: Links to education to help you learn cloud-native development and deployment using IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service and Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud
  • Starter Kits: Links to templates that will help accelerate your project

With the release of Red Hat OpenShift 4.x, it is now even easier for developers to integrate the SDLC tools into the OpenShift console. This Developer Dashboard is mainly focused on providing a simple navigation experience when the Cloud-Native Toolkit is installed into IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service.

Developer Dashboard

Here are some recent improvements:

  • More tools can be added to the dashboard using a simple igc tool-config command
  • Prefix (shown above as “IBM”) and Title (shown above as “Cloud Native Toolkit”) can be customized to you own names
  • The IBM Cloud link can be overidden to support links to other cloud vendors when OpenShift is running on Azure, AWS, Google Cloud, or VMWare
  • The tools view is split into more columns to enable more reuse of the screen
  • The Cluster information is now available when you click on “Developer Dashboard” title
  • The IGC CLI now installs an alias into the oc and kubectl so it is now possible to open the dashboard quickly using oc dashboard and kubectl dashboard

Tools configured with OpenShift console

When the administrator configures your Developer Environment, they can customize a set of short cut links to common tools you often use as a developer.

OpenShift Links

You can see how these tools are configured by reading the tools configuration guide

Opening the Dashboard

You can open the Dashboard from a terminal.

  1. Open a terminal

  2. Make sure your terminal is logged into your cluster

    • In the IBM Cloud console, navigate to your cluster’s overview
    • Switch to the Access tab
    • Follow the instructions to log in from the command line
  3. Use the IGC CLI to open the Dashboard in your environment

    oc dashboard

    The command should print the url to the dashboard then open the default browser to the url.

Opening the Kubernetes/OpenShift console

  • Use the IGC CLI console command to open the IKS or OpenShift console:

    oc console

    This command will determine the type of cluster (IKS or OpenShift), get the url for the console, and launch the url in the default browser. If the default browser is not available then the url will be printed to the screen.

Access the URLs to endpoints in the cluster

  • Use the IGC CLI endpoints command to list the endpoints for a given namespace/project:

    oc endpoints -n tools

    This will return the route and ingress URLs for the tools namespace where the DevOps tools have been installed in the cluster:

    ? Endpoints in the 'tools' namespace. Select an endpoint to launch the default browser or 'Exit'.
    1) Exit
    2) developer-dashboard -
    3) argocd-server -
    4) artifactory -
    5) dashboard -
    6) developer-dashboard -
    (Move up and down to reveal more choices)

    You can then select the URL and launch it in the default browser.


In the future, the tools in the Dashboard will be linked using a single sign-on (SSO) service. In the meantime, the CLI includes a command to list the tools’ logins.

  • Use the IGC CLI credentials command to list the endpoints and credentials for the tools

    oc credentials

    The command lists the userid and password for each tool installed. You can use these credentials to log into each of the installed tools. More of the tools in Red Hat OpenShift will be integrated into the OpenShift console login process