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Machine Learning Model Deployment and Scoring

In this module, we will go through the process of deploying a machine learning model so it can be used by others and its performance can be monitored and validated. The deployment will result in an endpoint that makes the model available for wider use in applications and to make business decisions. There are several types of deployments available (depending on the model framework used), of which we will explore:

  • Online Deployments - Creates an endpoint to generate a score or prediction in real time.
  • Batch Deployments - Creates an endpoint to schedule the processing of bulk data to return predictions.

This module is broken up into several sections that explore the different model deployment options as well as the different ways to invoke or consume the model. The first section of this lab will build an online deployment and test the model endpoint using both the built-in testing tool as well as external testing tools. The remaining sections are optional, they build and test the batch deployment, followed by using the model from a python application.

Note: It is assumed that you have followed the instructions in the pre-work section to create a project based on an existing project file. If you did not use the project import or do not see the Jupyter notebooks mentioned in this module, see the Workshop Resources -> FAQs / Tips section for instructions to import the necessary notebooks. Also note that the Jupyter notebooks included in the project have been cleared of output. If you would like to see the notebook that has already been completed with output, see the Workshop Resources -> FAQs / Tips section for links to the completed notebooks.

Note: It is also assumed that you have completed one of the machine learning modules to promote a model to the deployment space. If not, follow the instructions in one of the machine learning modules to create and promote a machine learning model.

Online Model Deployment

Deploy Online Model

After a model has been created and saved / promoted to our deployment space, we will want to deploy the model so it can be used by others. For this section, we will be creating an online deployment. This type of deployment will make an instance of the model available to make predictions in real time via an API. Although we will use the Cloud Pak for Data UI to deploy the model, the same can be done programmatically.

  1. Navigate to the left-hand (☰) hamburger menu and click on Deployments.

    Analytics Analyze deployments

  2. Click on the Spaces tab and then choose the deployment space you setup previously by clicking on the name of your space.

    Deployments space

  3. From your deployment space overview, select the Assets tab and find the model for which you want to create a deployment. Click on the "kebab" menu (three vertical dots) on the right side of the model row and select Deploy.

    Note: There may be more than one model listed in the 'Models' section. This can happen if you have run the Jupyter notebook more than once or if you have run through both the Jupyter notebook and AutoAI modules to create models. Although you could select any of the models you see listed in the page, the recommendation is to start with whichever model is available that is using a spark-mllib_X.X software specification.

    Actions Deploy model

  4. On the 'Create a deployment' screen, choose Online for the Deployment Type, give the Deployment a name and optional description and click the Create button.

    Online Deployment Create

  5. Click on the Deployments tab. The online deployment will show as Initializing and then switch to Deployed when done.

    Status Deployed

Test Online Model Deployment

The platform offers tools to quickly test out Watson Machine Learning models. We begin with the built-in tooling.

  1. From the Model deployment page, once the deployment status shows as Deployed, click on the name of your deployment.

    Select deployment

  2. The deployment API reference tab shows how to use the model using cURL, Java, Javascript, Python, and Scala.

Select deployment

  1. To get to the built-in test tool, click on the Test tab and then click on the JSON input tab.

    Test deployment with JSON

  2. Copy and paste the following data objects into the Body panel (replace the text that was in the input panel).

    Note: Click the tab appropriate for the model you are testing (either an AutoAI model or one built using the Jupyter notebook). Also make sure the input below is the only content in the field. Do not append it to the default content { "input_data": [] } that may already be in the test input panel.

    { "input_data": [{
        "fields": [ "CheckingStatus", "LoanDuration", "CreditHistory", "LoanPurpose", "LoanAmount", "ExistingSavings", "EmploymentDuration", "InstallmentPercent", "Sex", "OthersOnLoan", "CurrentResidenceDuration", "OwnsProperty", "Age", "InstallmentPlans", "Housing", "ExistingCreditsCount", "Job", "Dependents", "Telephone", "ForeignWorker"],
        "values": [[ "no_checking", 13, "credits_paid_to_date", "car_new", 1343, "100_to_500", "1_to_4", 2, "female", "none", 3, "savings_insurance", 46, "none", "own", 2, "skilled", 1, "none", "yes"]]
    { "input_data": [{
        "fields": [ "CustomerId", "CheckingStatus", "LoanDuration", "CreditHistory", "LoanPurpose", "LoanAmount", "ExistingSavings", "EmploymentDuration", "InstallmentPercent", "Sex", "OthersOnLoan", "CurrentResidenceDuration", "OwnsProperty", "Age", "InstallmentPlans", "Housing", "ExistingCreditsCount", "Job", "Dependents", "Telephone", "ForeignWorker"],
        "values": [[ "", "no_checking", 13, "credits_paid_to_date", "car_new", 1343, "100_to_500", "1_to_4", 2, "female", "none", 3, "savings_insurance", 46, "none", "own", 2, "skilled", 1, "none", "yes"]]
  3. Click the Predict button.

    Testing the deployed model

  4. The model will be called with the input data and the results will displayed in a dialog. Click on the JSON view radio button and scroll to the bottom to see the prediction (i.e "Risk" or "No Risk").

    Testing the deployed model

(Optional) Test Online Model Deployment using cURL

Now that the model is deployed, we can also test it from external applications. One way to invoke the model API is using the cURL command.

NOTE: Windows users will need the cURL command. It's recommended to download gitbash for this, as you'll also have other tools and you'll be able to easily use the shell environment variables in the following steps. Also note that if you are not using gitbash, you may need to change export commands to set commands.

  1. From the Model deployment page, once the deployment status shows as Deployed, click on the name of your deployment.

Select deployment

  1. On deployment API reference copy the host name of the endpoint provided (the value before the slash (/). This will be the "Environment Endpoint".

Select deployment

  1. In a terminal window (or command prompt in Windows), run the following command to get a token to access the API. Replace <username> and <password> with the username and password you used to log into the Cloud Pak for Data environment. Replace <environment-endpoint> with the "Environment Endpoint" value from the previous step.

    curl -k -X GET https://<environment-endpoint>/v1/preauth/validateAuth -u <username>:<password>
  2. A json string will be returned with a value for "accessToken" that will look similar to this:

  3. You will save this access token to a temporary environment variable in your terminal. Copy the access token value (without the quotes) in the terminal and then use the following export command to save the "accessToken" to a variable called WML_AUTH_TOKEN.

    export IAM_AUTH_TOKEN=<value-of-access-token>
  4. Back on the model deployment page, gather the URL to invoke the deployed model from the API reference by copying the Endpoint.

    Model Deployment Endpoint

  5. Now save that endpoint to a variable named URL in your terminal by exporting it.

    export URL=<value-of-endpoint>
  6. Now run this curl command from the terminal to invoke the model with the same payload we used previously:

    curl -k -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header "Authorization: Bearer  $IAM_AUTH_TOKEN" -d '{"input_data": [{"fields": [ "CheckingStatus", "LoanDuration", "CreditHistory", "LoanPurpose", "LoanAmount", "ExistingSavings", "EmploymentDuration", "InstallmentPercent", "Sex", "OthersOnLoan", "CurrentResidenceDuration", "OwnsProperty", "Age", "InstallmentPlans", "Housing", "ExistingCreditsCount", "Job", "Dependents", "Telephone", "ForeignWorker"],"values": [[ "no_checking", 13, "credits_paid_to_date", "car_new", 1343, "100_to_500", "1_to_4", 2, "female", "none", 3, "savings_insurance", 46, "none", "own", 2, "skilled", 1, "none", "yes"]]}]}' $URL
  7. A json string will be returned with the response, including a prediction from the model (i.e a "Risk" or "No Risk" at the end indicating the prediction of this loan representing risk).

(Optional) Batch Model Deployment

Another approach to expose the model to be consumed by other users/applications is to create a batch deployment. This type of deployment will make an instance of the model available to make predictions against data assets or groups of records. The model prediction requests are scheduled as jobs, which are executed asynchronously.

Deploy Batch Model

  1. Navigate to the left-hand (☰) hamburger menu and click on Deployments.

    Analytics Analyze deployments

  2. Click on the Spaces tab and then choose the deployment space you setup previously by clicking on the name of your space.

    Deployments space

  3. From your deployment space overview, select the Assets tab and find the model for which you want to create a deployment. Click on the "kebab" menu (three vertical dots) on the right side of the model row and select Deploy.

Note: There may be more than one model listed in the 'Models' section. This can happen if you have run the Jupyter notebook more than once or if you have run through both the Jupyter notebook and AutoAI modules to create models. Although you could select any of the models you see listed in the page, the recommendation is to start with whichever model is available that is using a spark-mllib_X.X software specification.

Actions Deploy model

  1. On the 'Create a deployment' screen: choose Batch for the Deployment Type, give the deployment a name and optional description. From the 'Hardware specification' drop down, select the smallest option (1 standard CPU, 4GB RAM in this case though for large or frequent batch jobs, you might choose to scale the hardware up). Click the Create button.

    Batch Deployment Create

  2. Once the status shows as Deployed you will be able to start submitting jobs to the deployment.

    Status Deployed

Create and Schedule a Job

Next we can schedule a job to run against our batch deployment. We could create a job, with specific input data (or data asset) and schedule, either programmatically or through the UI. For this lab, we are going to do this programmatically using the Python client SDK. For this part of the exercise we're going to use a Jupyter notebook to create and submit a batch job to our model deployment.

Note: The batch job input is impacted by the machine learning framework used to build the model. Currently, SparkML based model batch jobs require inline payload to be used. For other frameworks, we can use data assets (i.e CSV files) as the input payload.

Open the Batch Notebook

The Jupyter notebook is already included as an asset in the project you imported earlier.

  1. Go the (☰) navigation menu and under the Projects section click on All Projects.

    (☰) Menu -> Projects

  2. Click the project name you created in the pre-work section.

  3. From your Project overview page, click on the Assets tab to open the assets page where your project assets are stored and organized.

  4. Click on the Notebooks asset type, click on the "kebob" icon (vertical dots) on the right of the machinelearning-creditrisk-batchscoring notebook, and click Edit.

    Notebook Open

  5. When the Jupyter notebook is loaded and the kernel is ready, we will be ready to start executing it in the next section.

Run Notebook sections

With the notebook open, spend a minute looking through the sections of the notebook to get an overview. A notebook is composed of text (markdown or heading) cells and code cells. The markdown cells provide comments on what the code is designed to do. You will run cells individually by highlighting each cell, then either click the Run button at the top of the notebook or hitting the keyboard short-cut to run the cell (Shift + Enter but can vary based on platform). While the cell is running, an asterisk ([*]) will show up to the left of the cell. When that cell has finished executing a sequential number will show up (i.e. [17]).

Please note that some of the comments in the notebook are directions for you to modify specific sections of the code. Perform any changes as indicated before running / executing the cell.

  1. Section 1.0 Install required packages will install some of the libraries we are going to use in the notebook (many libraries come pre-installed on Cloud Pak for Data). Note that we upgrade the installed version of Watson Machine Learning Python Client. Ensure the output of the first code cell is that the python packages were successfully installed. (If the ibm-watson-machine-learning step fails, remove the =1.0.53 from the line and re-run.)

    NB Section 1 Complete

  2. Section 2.0 Create Batch Deployment Job will create a job for the batch deployment. To do that, we will use the Watson Machine Learning client to get our deployment and create a job.

    • In the first code cell for Section 2.1, be sure to update the wml_credentials variable.

    • The url should be the hostname of the Cloud Pak for Data instance.

    • The username and password should be the same credentials you used to log into Cloud Pak for Data.
    • Update the version number to 4.6.

    • In section 2.2, be sure to update the DEPLOYMENT_SPACE_NAME variable with your deployment space name (copy and paste the name which is within the output of the previous code cell).

    NB Section 2 Complete

    • In section 2.3, be sure to update the DEPLOYMENT_NAME variable with the name of the batch deployment you created previously (copy and paste the name which is within the output of the previous code cell).

    NB Section 2 Complete

    • Continue to run the rest of the cells in section 2 which will load the batch input data set and create the job. The last code cell in section 2 will show that the job is in a queued state.
  3. Section 3.0 Monitor Batch Job Status will start polling the job status until it completes or fails. The code cell will output the status every 5 seconds as the job goes from queued to running to completed or failed.

    Batch Job Status

  4. Once the job completes, continue to run the cells until the end of the notebook.

Cleanup and Stop Environment

Important: In order to conserve resources, make sure that you stop the environment used by your notebook(s) when you are done.

  1. Navigate back to your project information page by clicking on your project name from the navigation drill down on the top left of the page.

    Back to project

  2. Click on the Manage tab near the top of the page. Then in the Environments section, you will see the environment used by your notebook. Check the box next to the environment and select the Stop runeimes button at the top.

    Stop environment

  3. Click the Stop button on the subsequent pop up window.


In this section we covered the followings:

  • Creating and Testing Online Deployments for models.
  • (Optional) Creating and Testing Batch Deployments for models.
  • (Optional) Integrating the model deployment in an external application.

Taking a predictive model and infusing AI into applications.